Construction Specific Writing
When most people think about construction, they probably don't think about writing, but this industry generates a huge amount of written content at every step of the construction process and in every department.
We know. We've had to implement document control systems, and we've written nearly every kind of construction writing you can imagine.
Plans, Procedures, and Policies
Modern construction demands a large number of plans, policies, and processes for health and safety, environmental management, and quality assurance.
There are method statements, scopes of work, health and safety plans, and QS processes, and they all need to be written professionally because you'll not only be using them internally, but you'll have to share them with customers.
When you work with The Construction Writer Inc., you don't have to worry about not being a professional writer - we are, and we've got you covered. Just send us the bones of your plans, procedures, and policies, and we'll turn them into a finished product, ready for formatting and sharing.
Forms and Templates
Good project and contract management generates a huge amount of documentation. Everyone from the field up to top management will need to complete regular paperwork that might include JHAs, change order requests, notifications of intent to claim, formal letters, and more.
The Construction Writer Inc. can help you to prepare professional forms and templates that you can have professionally printed or use electronically, all to your own specifications.
Specifications, Method Statements, and More
Not every client has a clear picture of what they want and need, and if you're designing a custom solution based on their needs, you'll need to quantify that solution clearly when you provide them with a quotation. When construction companies don't communicate what is included (and what's not) clearly, it only leads to problems down the line.
The Construction Writer Inc. can help to turn your notes and dimensions into detailed specifications and method statements so everyone is completely clear about what you will be doing for the price you're offering.